Friday, December 5, 2008

Name the Film (Round 3)

1. "Do you have anything here besides Mexican food?"

2. "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"

3. "The guy did a Peter Pan right off of this dam, right here."


Treidi said...

3. fugitve?

ps- I am being honest and not googling the quotes and anyone who is should be ashamed of themselves.

Scott and Mandi said...

Yeah, I thought #3 was The Fugitive too. #1 sounds SO familiar!

Heywood Clan said...

Is #1 The Three Amigos?

aubri said...

I really suck at this game so I think I give up...seriously, I haven't even been able to get ONE! This is definitly a grunt-worthy situation.

aubri said...

And I spelled definitely wrong. NOW it's totally grunt-worthy!

mikeylikesit said...

Yes, The Fugitive for #3.
Amy, Three Amigos it is. One of the greatest!

Have I stumped you guys with #2? Travis is right, no googling!

Lacei Child said...

Cool blog mike! I added you to my 'list' :) Merry Christmas!! ~lace

mikeylikesit said...

I guess people are giving up...

#2 is Monty Python and the Holy Grail

mikeylikesit said...

This will probably be the last one of these, as I thought more people would participate. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.