Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Who's coming with me?


Scott and Mandi said...

I will for sure!

Shannon said...

You crack me up! I actually would like to stay and say "I told you so"!

joeheywood said...

Mike, this is the first time I've been to this site. That picture of you and Scott made me laugh harder than I have in a long time.

I keep coming back to the page today, just to crack up some more at that picture.

We need to come down to Cali!

mikeylikesit said...

YES YOU DO! Come soon.

Treidi said...



obamerica can't be that bad:)

Unknown said...

Why does Canada care that Obama won? I don't get it.

mikeylikesit said...

First of all, it's just a joke. It can go one of two ways. Canada is a socialistic country that has no military power whatsoever, and has very liberal views on abortion and other social issues. Obama himself is extremely liberal and shares some of these same views as the Canadians. So, with that being said, America is either going to turn into Canada (again, jokingly speaking), or Canada will be a refuge for Americans to seek since Obama is now President.

Heather Momma said...

I'm not ready to leave yet, at least we know there at least 10 good people left, prop 8 passed.